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Antoine Frack, CPO

Antoine Frack, CPO
While engaging on a strategic transformative journey from traditional to service-oriented offerings, Fincome proved to be the ideal solution to smooth change management. We eliminated analytical inefficiencies in getting rid of traditional data visualization tools like PowerBI, to the profit of a dedicated subscription analytics tool that offers strategic business insights to further fuel our growth.
Smooth SaaS metrics acculturation and support teams in transitioning from traditional to service-oriented offerings
Deploy quickly the solution to focus on business insights, rather than spending countless hours building data visualizations in Power BI
Optimize communication between teams and align them towards unified objectives to catalyze growth

Easy-to-use dashboard fostering team acculturation to SaaS metrics

After struggling with traditional BI tools like PowerBI or Tableau, that took months to be implemented and hardly provided basic SaaS metrics without spending hours, Antoine faced significant challenges in leading transition from a pure manufacturing model to a service-oriented offering. The lack of clear data and underlying metrics hindered efficient decision-making and business oversight. With Fincome, Lacroix teams now enjoy an in-depth analytical view of their revenues and key metrics, enabling them to focus internal discussions on business insights rather than ways to compile and efficiently analyze data. This newfound clarity allows the team to smoothly familiarize themselves with new KPIs and metrics, ensuring an efficient transformative journey towards an “as-a-service” offer.


Centralized and harmonized KPIs to smooth collaboration and align teams on unified objectives

Before adopting Fincome, managers struggled with siloed and unharmonized data across different business units, leading to inefficiencies and communication gaps. The lack of centralized data view hindered collaboration and made it difficult to align strategies across teams, especially while transitioning to a service-oriented offering. With Fincome, Antoine's team now benefits from a consolidated dashboard that harmonizes data from various sources. This centralized view fosters collaboration between business units, allowing managers toacculturate to new metrics to efficiently monitor their performance without the burden of compiling and handling data engineering. Fincome has transformed Lacroix data management, creating a cohesive and collaborative environment that drives the company forward.


Plug-and-play implementation and intuitive interface

Lacroix top-management was amazed at how quickly Fincome transformed their decision-making process. Within just two weeks, the tool was fully operational, shifting the focus from setting up metrics to engaging all managers in meaningful business discussions. Fincome'sintuitive interface and reliable metrics streamlined communication with top management. This optimization facilitated board meetings, allowing for strategic conversations rather than getting bogged down in data engineering. With Fincome, Antoine can confidently share insights and strategies to the board, enhancing overall decision-making and driving business success.


Benefits of Fincome for CPOs, according to Antoine:

  • Plug-and-play implementation: deploy quickly and efficiently a real-time 360° view dashboard to gain business insights
  • Optimized decision-making: replace time-consuming data engineering by strategic discussions relying on key business metrics to drive growth
  • Fostered collaboration: catalyze communication between teams and align them towards unified objectives
  • Intuitive interface: ensure broad deployment and quick adoption thanks to easy-to-share reports
  • Accelerate “as-a-service” transition: smooth SaaS metrics acculturation and support teams in transitioning towards more service-oriented offerings

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